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‘Tis the Season part 2

I spent most of my adult life getting paid to get fucked. I had seen my share of big dicks, and I’d seen a few huge ones. But Roger’s was in a separate league. I had never seen anyone that big hard, let alone soft. A client interrupted my thoughts. It was Roger.

“You’ve been staring off in space all night. Is everything okay?” His mustached grin was so sexy, I felt my knees tremble.

“I’m fine. It’s the first time I’ve seen a dick as big as yours.” We were both porn stars, it was fine to talk shop.

Roger winked. “I need that vodka cranberry, please.”

“One Cape Cod, coming up.” I quickly made his drink and watched his muscular ass as he walked away.

As the evening wore on, I hoped I would see Roger again. He was self-admitted gay guy who was so big, he had to fuck women. I knew we could swap some good war stories. I liked to watch straight porn every once in a while, just for variety. I’m amazed I never saw Roger Breakwater anywhere. Then it dawned on me. He may really be named Roger Breakwater, and he acted under a stage name like I did. He knew me as Jason Cox. I wanted to tell him my real name. Thankfully, he came to my station before the night ended, wrapped in a towel.

“Cape Cod?”

Roger nodded. There was that sexy grin again. I was feeling shy for the first time in years. I decided to be blunt.

“Your smile could melt butter. You know that, right?”

Roger held my head in his meaty paws and planted a kiss that cut through a lot of bullshit. “Yeah, man, I know. Do you get a break?”

“I don’t know. That’s up to your friend.”

Roger looked around. “Get your tips. My friend wants to talk to you anyway. You’re officially on break.”

Roger led me through the winding estate, past the tennis courts until we arrived at a small bungalow office. The owner came out on the porch to greet me in his pajamas.

“Jason Cox. You beautiful man.” The owner adjusted himself, revealing an impressive larger than average cock. “I’m Chaz Winslow.”

I knew that name. He had a porn empire so vast, he actually bought a small skyscraper in Van Nuys to house his business. Winslow Productions made hardcore porn to distribute by VHS and Pay-Per-View, then they edited it for distribution on the Playboy Channel and in states and countries that didn’t allow penetration on film. It was 100% heterosexual. They didn’t even make bisexual films.

“I’m Jason Cox.” He knew that already. “But my real name is Immanuel Figueroa.” We shook hands.

Roger said, “Roger Breakwater’s my real name. My stage name is Jake ‘The Snake’ Hoffman.”

I couldn’t help but blurt it out. “Jake the Snake? Holy Shit! You’re a legend!”

Chaz and Roger explained a glance. Roger said, “So are you, Jason Cox. I always loved that pun. Chasin’ Cocks.”

Since the day Gary Hauser gave me my name, I had never once realized it was tongue in cheek. It must have shown on my face.

Chaz laughed. “You didn’t know, did you? Gary Hauser is a sleaze ball but he can sure pick names.”

My ego slightly wounded, I managed a grin. “I should probably get back to my station.”

Chaz said, “Nonsense. This is an audition for the next chapter in your life. You can’t let that perfect ass go to waste as a cater waiter.”

So this was a business meeting. I was out of the business. Roger/Jake didn’t fuck guys, at least not on film. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “I’m done with the biz.”

Chaz stroked his mustache and eyed me greedily. “I won’t mince words. Vegas hotels are a huge source of income for us. The law just changed, and they’re allowing hardcore gay porn. There’s new markets for gay softcore porn, too. But it has to be high quality product.”

I was still on the fence. “Where do I fit in this?”

Chaz smacked a thick manuscript in his hand. “I just bought a gay erotic romance screenplay that calls for a bottom with your skills and looks. Here.” He handed me the screenplay. “Are you willing to audition?”

I was flattered. My bruised ego couldn’t deny the appeal of being in a Chaz Wilson production. I still sensed something still unsaid. “Okay, but what’s the catch?”

Roger the Snake started to say something, but Chaz put a hand on his arm to silence him. “The audition is tonight. Jake the Snake has half a dozen sex scenes with your character. We auditioned a bunch of young bottoms whose eyes were bigger than their asshole. Every last one cried for mercy and we had to let them walk. We realized the story line didn’t work with a young man as Jake’s bottom. We need a more mature and experienced bottom. You’re perfect.”

Jake added, “If you can handle it.”

I looked at Jake’s handsome face. He was undeniably the sexiest man I’d ever seen. And I’d seen a lot of men.

“Okay, I’m in.”

The casting couch was a King-Sized bed in the bedroom. Chaz left the two of us alone to allow us to “build some chemistry” before he started rolling the casting tape. I stripped down to my BVDs.

I said, “Roger, I’ve been with guys who were really long, and guys who were really thick. I hope you’re not a grower, just a shower.”

Roger’s eyes landed on his crotch. “I’m afraid I’m a grower.” He pulled back his towel, exposing the sea monster moving of its own accord as his erection began. To help him along, I put my lips on his. We kissed, our tongues touching and twisting. I had done it thousands of times with other men, but I never felt this sensation before. I felt like he wanted to be with me for more than just a paycheck. Those thoughts caused my body to give off a faint aroma of desire. Roger put a huge hand under one of my fat butt cheeks. No words were spoken, but I knew that he had wanted to do that for many years.

My thoughts were interrupted by the head of Roger’s cock rustling against my ear. I saw out of the corner of my eye an erection to rival a horse’s. I thought about all the women he’d fucked for money. It made me even hornier. Roger’s huge hand tore at the back of my briefs, tearing open a hole. Like a wrestler giving a signal, he tapped my leg in just the right way to convey, without words, that it was time for me to put my ass in his face.

On all fours, I felt Roger’s tongue flicking in and out of my hole. Then it pushed hard until it was in my butthole a good two inches. He flexed and twisted his tongue in ways no top had ever done before. When I wiggled with delight, he pushed even deeper. He used his thick fingers to pry open the hole. It was like riding a bicycle. I relaxed completely, letting the second sphincter relax to allow his tongue to tickle me inside.

I wanted this part bad. I knew to moan softly during a tongue-fuck, but I had trouble keeping the volume down because so much of it was genuine pleasure. I said silent prayers to my sphincter, begging it to open up completely for this hot porn star when the time came.

First I had to suck him off. It’s just a rule in gay porn. When my mouth got a third of the way down the head, it couldn’t stretch any more. He was too thick. This was a first for me. I broke my jaw playing flag football back in seventh grade. Ever since, it made a funny click if I moved it wrong. I heard the click, and suddenly my jaw came open wider than should be humanly possible. I greedily gobbled the head and let him push more and more of his endless log of flesh down my throat. At the halfway point, I knew I couldn’t take any more. I looked up at Roger/Jake, whose astonished eyes told me how good I was doing.

“Don’t try to take the whole thing; nobody can.” Hearing these words made me all the more determined. I had no gag reflex, and I could hold my breath for a really long time. I felt the fat head slide past my Adam’s apple and continue. I put a hand on my throat and felt the head sliding down to the bottom. It kept going past where my neck ended.

“Holy shit! Oh fuck!” Roger held my ears and fucked my face. I could still see several inches of exposed flesh, but it was not possible to go all the way. Roger didn’t mind. I knew this was his first deep throat. I cradled his apple-sized balls, which were churning and humming with an energy all their own. In a sudden jerk, he withdrew his cock, which throbbed and dribbled pre-cum.

“I almost came in your throat.”

“Why didn’t you?”

Roger kissed me. “Because I want to shoot my cum in your ass.”

“I though you’d never ask.” He picked me up and put me in downward dog, with my head on the pillow and my ass high in the air. After a couple more refreshers in tongue fucking, he took a scoop of Crisco and greased up my ass. He took his time, sliding one, then two fingers in and out. Soon all four thick fingers and his massive thumb were able to enter me. He pushed and I saw stars. I had been fisted before, but never by a man with such huge hands. With an audible ‘pop’ his fist went inside me. As he pushed his hairy arm deeper in my gut, I felt my asshole opening wider and wider. I got a moment’s relief at the elbow, but then came the bicep.

“You’re so fucking talented.” Roger was amazed by my accommodating hole. “Fucking you is going to be great.”

He pulled the whole arm out, then slid it back in until it was stopped at the armpit. His hand must have been near my belly button. I saw a lump form there. I put my hand on his, caressing the fist inside me. He punch fucked me a dozen times, then withdrew.

They say if you are on a cliff and in danger of falling, you should never look down. I made the mistake of looking at Jake the Snake’s fully erect cock. It was bigger than his arm. I turned away and heard Roger/Jake snicker.

“What’s funny?”

He slapped one of my butt cheeks. “You looked. I forgot to tell you not to look.”

“I’m ready.” He coated his cock with Crisco from his arm, and greased the giant pole. Still facing down, I felt the head press against my hole.

“You’re sure you wanna do this?”

I said, “I’m pretty sure you’d ruin the fucking movie if you asked me that in the middle of it all.” We both laughed.

Roger pressed hard, easily inserting the tip. Getting past the corona was his first challenge. To make it easier, I backed up and forced it through. Once the head was in, there were more challenges. His cock grew gradually thicker along the length until it reached the base. Somewhere about nine inches in, it was going to be thicker than his bicep. At the base, it was like a tree trunk. He knew this, and I could feel him hesitating to push further.

“Fuck me, Jake!” As if to convince him, I reached back and held his cock, pushing it deeper inside me. As he moaned with pleasure, I said, “Don’t hold back, man, fuck me like it’s Christmas. Open your present.”

Finally, I said the magic words. I know this guy has probably taken dates to the hospital, had near tragedies on his film sets, all because he was hung too big. I had never taken a monster the size of his, but I had the resume to prove I could do it. It gave me confidence.

I flipped onto my back while he was still only halfway in. I felt the cock rotate inside my colon. It was unlike anything I had ever felt in my fifteen year porn career. From that position, I was able to grab Roger’s ass with my feet and force him closer to me, deeper inside me. In a few more seconds, his cock’s epic journey was over. His hips hit my buttocks. I pulled them apart and let the last few inches inside.

I probably had the glassy-eyed stare of a drunk who had hit his head on the pavement. Roger caressed my cheek. “Are you okay? Are you ready to fuck?”

I nodded vigorously. He took small strokes at first, perhaps afraid he was doing damage. My insistent bucking made it clear he needed to be more bold. I was stretched in places I barely knew existed. It felt incredible. When he finally let loose and started to pound me like a woman, I saw stars. I felt convulsive spasms in my gut. My legs trembled. I bucked involuntarily. I was having my first bonafide anal orgasm!

Roger felt it, too, because my insides were caressing and squeezing his cock in rhythm to the pounding he gave my ass. I couldn’t see. I realized my eyes were turned up inside my head. I brought them back out and saw Roger staring at me intently while he filled me with his impossible cock.

He planted his lips on mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt his stomach touch mine. We were as close as two men can be. In one easy gesture, he lifted me off the bed and carried me, impaled around the bedroom, setting me on the arm of a sofa. I never wanted to let go of Roger. He was the man every gay guy dreams of. Strong, masculine, hung like an alien, tight muscular ass, Roger was perfect. He carried me out of the bedroom and put me on the desk. Outside, I could hear the party raging on the other side of the tennis courts.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chaz holding a camera in one hand and jacking off with the other. I lolled my head back, beckoning him to fuck my throat. He needed no encouragement. Soon, I was staring at the lens of a camera with my body plugged at both ends. After Jake/Roger, Chaz was refreshingly easy to blow. I used a few tricks I had picked up and had him spattering my face with his cum in no time.

Chaz positioned himself beneath us as we fucked, capturing Roger’s tether-ball pole reaming my forsaken ass.

“Good, good, now pull out all the way so we can see.”

Roger took two steps back and let the head fall out of my wrecked hole. I felt half my ass hanging out.

“Now in, steadily but swiftly.”

Roger held the head in position and easily entered me. I pulled apart my ass cheeks to let him fill me entirely. It was a fast thrust and it felt good.

“Now do that twenty times, but don’t take the head out each time, just a couple times.”

Now Roger was speed-fucking me. It was enough to trigger another anal orgasm, and, to my surprise, I shot my load without ever touching my cock.

“Shit.” I could tell I got cum on the camera. There was about to be a lot more.

I maneuvered so I could cup Roger’s balls in my hand. With my foot, I massaged Chaz’s cock, which had grown rock hard and ready for his second coming. I put my hand on my cock, because I could feel another orgasm building in my balls.

Cupping balls is Roger’s Achilles heel. They churned and squirmed. I could feel seminal fluid flowing out of them. I squeezed them hard just as I lifted my foot from Chaz.

“Oh fuck yes.” Roger threw his head back and let the cum fly out his cockhead, wedged deep in my colon. Feeling warm, thick, syrupy cum spurting inside me was an aphrodisiac. My hand flew fast and in another instant, I shot my second load, bigger than my first, and ruined Chaz’s camera. To add insult to injury, Chaz shot a giant load of his own, which flew skyward and landed on his face, his belly, and the lens of the camera.

“This thing is ruined.”

“Wait, there’s more,” I said, as I felt my insides expelling Roger’s cum. My hole was so loose, I couldn’t stop the flow. It rained all over Chaz and his camera.

“Did I get the job?”

Chaz laughed. “You’re hired.”

Roger looked at me intently. “I wasn’t acting. That was the best fuck of my life.”

I shrugged. “Are you asking for a second date? Outside the film?”

Roger nodded. “Jake the Snake dates Jason Cox.”

Chaz said, “An off-screen romance! I love it! Kid, I’m gonna make you a star!”


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