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Nick’s Hungry Dick

By Adam Maxwell Bigglesworth

Nick was too big to hide it, so he didn’t try. He had a monster cock, way too big for a quickie. Women didn’t interest him much. He liked boys, men, dudes, anything with a dick. He spent a lot of time in the gym showers showing off and watching the other men subtly bow in deference to his mighty cock. He’d never seen a bigger dick than his. He didn’t want to. He got off on his superiority.

Sex was problematic for Nick. He went to the baths and watched the men sucking and fucking. It got him hard. But even the greediest cock pig balked at Nick’s enormous meat. He got plenty of worshippers but no actual sex. The greedy boys would hold his cock in their arms, licking the tip, but none dared put more than the head in their mouth. And nobody could take him in the ass, or at least he had never found anyone willing to try. He got a lot of ‘no-thank-yous’ and a few ‘let-me-tries,’ but he never succeeded in fucking a man. He got the tip in once or twice, but that was it. His massive cockhead was big around as a beer can, but the shaft was even thicker, like a stack of large tomato cans. It was magnificent, powerful, and frustrating. He had so much pent-up sexual energy and nowhere to release it except between his two hands. 

One midsummer day, to take his mind off of sex, he took his dick for a walk in an extensive nature preserve outside of town. The colossal cock bounced hard against his knee. He had to wear loose-fitting pants. If he wore something tight enough to hold his limp cock against his leg, it might split the seams when he got hard. The more his cock head banged against his knee, the more turned-on he got. The harder he got, the less his cock moved, and he would lose his hard-on until his cock started to swing. In a virtuous cycle of arousal, his cock swelled and shrank throughout his hikes.

The humidity and heat made him sweat. He was on a trail through a meadow, so the sun was unrelenting. Just as he wished for some shade, a path sprouted off, heading towards a copse of trees. He’d never noticed the trail before, so his curiosity won, and he took it. Soon, he was out of the blazing heat in a cool forest glade. A sparkling stream ran alongside the path. Nick stooped to cool his face, enjoying the water’s earthy scent. When he stood, he was startled by a rustling in the grass, followed by a high-pitched giggle.

“Who’s there?”

Only a tiny giggle drifted by on the breeze. Nick headed toward the giggle and saw a figure the size of a raccoon running through the tall grass.

“Wait!” He cried out.

The figure paused. Another tiny giggle erupted from the grass. Nick narrowed his eyes, trying to make out the shape in the dappled shade.

A white-haired little man, perhaps no more than a foot high, waved back at him.

Nick knelt down and held out a hand. “Hey, little guy, what are you doing here?”

The man smiled, revealing razor-sharp teeth. He gestured for Nick to follow, and so he did.

The little man led him deeper into the forest until all sunlight was gone. The earth was damp. Mushrooms grew from the rich soil at the foot of the trees. The little man stopped in front of a massive tree. The trunk was at least ten feet in diameter. It didn’t look like a native tree. Nick had never seen anything like it. The wee man picked a pink mushroom from the tree’s base and held it out to Nick.

“Eat.” The tiny voice sounded like a squeaky door hinge.

“Are you sure? Is it safe?”

“Eat.” The little man insisted, shaking the mushroom until Nick took it. He looked at the delicate fungus, wondering if he should eat it. When he lifted it to smell for any poison, the tiny man flew up and forced it into Nick’s mouth.

Nick coughed, but it was too late. The mushroom was already in his esophagus. He had to swallow. The strange little man hung from Nick’s shirt collar, giggling.

“What the fuck was that?”


“What did I eat?”

“Good.” The man was not exactly a poet. His one-word answers offered Nick little reassurance.

The man nibbled at Nick’s earlobe, which felt nice. He sat on a stump, letting the little creature move to his neck, then to the little patch of fur at the base of his neck.

“More.” The little man unbuttoned Nick’s shirt, revealing his huge chest. Standing on tiptoes in Nick’s lap, the little man nursed at a nipple, sending waves of pleasure straight to Nick’s mighty cock. Nick stared up at the dark canopy of trees above. They sparkled. The edges grew fuzzy, then turned into a cloud of pink smoke. He barely noticed the little man fumbling with his belt buckle and lowering his loose pants to his ankles.

The forest spun. Nick’s cock sprang straight up as it escaped the confines of the pant leg. The little man cooed with delight. Nick’s vision went hazy, like a cross between a blur and a trail of light. He saw the little man climb his cock like a flagpole and tip, head first, into his piss slit, then crawl down towards his balls. It should have hurt, but it felt great. That was the last thing he remembered.


The following day, Nick woke up in his apartment. He had no recollection of leaving the forest. He checked his driveway. The car was there. He wondered if the whole hike had just been a dream. He had morning wood. He lugged his cock to the bathroom and pissed. It felt better than usual. There was a gurgling sensation near his balls. The base of his cock was thicker than he remembered. Was that little man down there? As he shook off the last droplets, he thought he heard a giggle escape from his pee hole.

It was Sunday, his favorite day at the gym. He got the most stares because it was a shorter day, so the lockers and showers were always packed. Some other gym branches were closed on Sundays, so there was always a stable of fresh young bodybuilders to impress with his massive organ.

Nick worked out in his favorite pair of loose, gray sweatpants. He smiled at the guys who peeked in his direction, unsure if what they saw through the fabric could be real. Nick always flashed back a confident grin that silently stated, “Yep, bro, it’s exactly what you think it is.”

Working his hamstrings on the leg curl machine, he smiled each time he had to fish his colossal cock out from between his massive thighs. He often heard audible gasps from the men brazen enough to look. He took mental notes. These were the guys he knew would seek him out in the showers later.

After his workout, Nick threw a towel over his shoulder and confidently strode through the locker room to the shower room. He glanced from side to side as he passed, thrilled by each hanging jaw and startled face. The shower room was ideal for showing off. The stalls had curtains that could be left strategically open enough to let people see what was inside, but if you closed the curtain, you had total privacy. The partitions were frosted glass, letting anyone on either side see the body’s outline next to them. Because of his massive size, Nick’s outline revealed everything. Most men’s little soft dicks just vanished in the shadow of his monster.

Nick chose a center shower. As he stepped into the shower stall, he heard the pitter-patter of little feet following him like a pied piper. After a hard workout, the gradually warming blast of cold water always felt good. When it was hot, he stepped inside, leaving the curtain wide open.

Directly across from him, a wide-eyed young man stared in disbelief. His hair was the color of dental floss, and his eyes were brilliant blue. He had a surfboard tattoo on one arm and a sunset on the other. His eyes never left Nick’s dick.

“Jesus, brah, what do you do with that thing?”

Nick found the question annoying, but the attention was nice.

“Piss, fuck, and cum. What do you do with that little thing?”

Nick gestured at the guy’s plump, pink, average-sized cock.

The guy said, “How can you fuck with that thing?”

Nick looked down and smiled. “Carefully.” He stared at the boy, then tilted his head in a nod that said, “Come here.”

The boy scampered across and silently joined Nick, who closed the curtain to hide their tryst from prying eyes.

In a soft whisper, he said, “You wanna touch it?”

The surfer reached out and stroked the cock like a baby petting a German Shepherd. Nick swung his hips, practically knocking the kid off his feet when his huge cock slapped into him. He repeated this, enjoying his naked flesh smacking into the boy’s downy rump.

“Dude, it’s unreal.”

Nick put a finger to the surfer’s lips. Then he gently poked a finger inside the boy’s mouth. The boy sucked it gently, looking up at Nick for reassurance. Nick nodded.

The blond boy knelt, lifting the end of Nick’s massive knob to his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the top third of the head and swirled his tongue. Nick sighed softly. “Yeah, like that.”

The kid kept at it, sending shivers down both Nick’s legs. His balls churned like two cats fighting in a bag. He’d never felt them like this before. They didn’t hurt, but they had an ache that could only be described as hunger.

The kid stuck his tongue in the slit of Nick’s enormous cock, swirling it around, lapping up precum like a kitten. The hole widened. The boy put his lips inside the opening, letting his tongue reach even farther down the urethra. This was a first. It would be a day of many firsts.

Nick’s ‘hungry’ balls began drooling more and more precum, slicking up the passageway. The boy pushed his face into the hole. His chin popped in. Nobody had ever gotten this deep in Nick’s pisser. He put a hand on the boy’s shoulder to steady himself. Then, the boy’s nose slipped in. Nick felt his hot breath against the walls of his cock. Then his cock opening stretched and actually sucked the boy’s whole face inside. Only the flossy blond hair stuck out from the sides. A series of involuntary contractions sucked the entire head inside his cock. The boy kept licking deeper and deeper, unaware or indifferent to his plight. Like a boa constrictor, Nick’s urethra contracted and released, each time pulling the boy’s head further inside. Nick was flummoxed. The kid was going to suffocate! Why didn’t he struggle?

Nick’s cock paused when the boy’s shoulders reached the opening. He tried to push the boy away and rescue him, but it was too late. In a giant gulp, Nick’s cock swelled and stretched until the pee hole wrapped around the boy’s shoulders, sucking him in further. It was like a baby being born in reverse but on a much larger scale. It should have hurt to high hell, but was quite the opposite. With each gulp, Nick felt like he was cumming. The hunger in his balls decreased with each inch of surfer boy that slid into his dick. Nick felt his pectoral muscles grow, his biceps bulges, his triceps, hams, quads, and glutes all flexed and swelled as his cock devoured the innocent, uncaring surfer dude. With the shoulders past, it was quick work. The hungry cock devoured the top half of the boy, pausing to nibble at his cock before moving on to the perfect little ass. Soon, only a pair of gently kicking legs remained. Nick’s cock was a swollen boa constrictor, slurping down the last few bites of its delicious prey. His balls churned in ecstasy, their strange hunger momentarily satisfied by this absurd meal. Nick watched the toes vanish inside his huge, deformed cock. It was so massive now, with an entire young man inside, that it blocked the shower drain, causing it to flood. He turned off the water.

Despite the horror of watching another human being eaten, redoubled because it was his own cock doing the eating, he felt great. The hunger had abated. As he digested the boy, his cock slowly decreased in size. The nutrients went to his muscles. He saw new muscle groups popping out that no amount of heavy lifting had ever affected before. He flexed his arm, and the bicep bulged twice as big. He extended his leg and marveled at the enormous hams and Godzilla-like quadriceps. His calves were as thick as most men’s thighs.

As his cock softened, it burped a big gush of precum. He was beyond the kind of excitement that caused a boner. He had never felt so powerful. His mighty cock didn’t just cause men to tremble; it devoured them. It fucking ate them up! When his swollen member had finished distributing nourishment to the rest of Nick’s body, he wrapped a long towel around his waist and returned to the locker room.  His cock banged between his ankles.


Back home, Nick couldn’t reconcile his guilty feelings with pleasure. He tried to rationalize it like a lion eating its supper. His balls were hungry; he had to feed them. The surfer dude was just innocent prey. It was natural. But it was wrong! How could his cock and balls matter more than another man’s life? Why did thinking about it turn him on?

His cock swelled with an erection as he recalled the pleasure of eating that boy. Despite its enormous weight, it defied gravity and leaned skyward. Nick held it between his hands, his fingers no longer touching, and stroked. He pictured the tousled blond hair vanishing into the hole. He envisioned the boy’s slim hips sliding past the urethra as his huge cock nibbled at the other guy’s little pecker. His cock swelled and throbbed.

“Oh shit, that was hot.” He shed all the guilt and just let the pleasure of the memory wash over him. His towering cock threatened to topple if he didn’t stroke faster. He put his hand in a tub of Vaseline he kept open by his bed. With a little spit, it slicked up the surface enough for him to stroke hard without burning.

Up and down, his hands moved in rhythm as his swelling cock reached its full size, draining blood from Nick’s brain until he felt woozy. But he kept at it. The hunger in his balls was replaced with a tingling, that little tickle that reminds a guy why he’s jacking off in the first place. The sensations grew as his balls swelled and churned. He had to open his legs wider to accommodate the massive sac between them.

Nick didn’t have a free hand to tweak his nipple, but he realized that his pectoral muscles were so swollen he could reach his own nipple with his mouth. As he stroked himself harder, he chewed and nursed on the nipple, sending spasms of pleasure throughout his body. The harder he sucked, the stronger the pleasure. When he bit down hard, the jolt sent him past the point of no return. Like that moment when the roller coaster reaches the top of the hill and the chain stops pulling, he felt his lust ebb, grow, and accelerate. His hungry cock was going to erupt soon.

Nick released the nipple and saw his bulging arms struggling to hold up the massive weight of his cock. His biceps were always big, but now they were enormous. Watching them flex added to that building wave of orgasm that had crested the horizon.

“Oh shit, I’m so fucking hot!” Nick felt complete like every inch of his body was perfect. He had reached that summit, that point where he was finally complete, the ideal specimen of manhood. His gargantuan cock, his muscles, his handsome face, they were everything he’d strived for. And now he was about to have the finest orgasm of his life.

His mirrored closet door reflected his colossal cock and massive body as he stroked and wriggled on the bed.

He spoke to himself. “I wanna see you cum, bro. I wanna see you shoot that fucking huge load everywhere!”

And he did. What began as a tremor in his legs spread to his belly and waist, then up the shaft of his cock until it throbbed. Then a lava blast of hot sperm shot out of his balls, hitting the ceiling before raining down on Nick, soaking his bedspread and coating him in slime. Another blast, then another splattered around the room, soaking the mirror so he couldn’t see his full reflection anymore. A few more blasts, and he was spent.

Suddenly, Nick felt exhausted. He felt his cock stretching and twisting, but he was too tired to do anything about it. He drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, he awoke to find the surfer boy snuggled up in his armpit.

The boy wiped sleep out of his eyes. “Hey. That was fucking awesome.”

Nick was startled. “Wh-where did you come from?”

The kid shrugged. “The last thing I remember was trying to give you head. Then I met a little man who lives in your balls, and he gave me a blow job. It sounds like a dream but didn’t feel like one.”

Nick chuckled. “I think I’ve met that man before. Say, I’m hungry. Can I make you breakfast?”

The kid smiled. “I’ll be your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Let’s do it again!”


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