Daddy’s Boy Series Bundled on Smashwords – First Ten Copies Are Free!

F. Scott Fitzgerald, JD Salinger, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, William S. Burroughs, George Orwell and now, Peter Schutes.  What do they all have in common?

Yes they are all authors of outstanding fiction, but did you also know that every one of them has written prose that was banned from libraries, states, or even entire nations?  Peter Schutes just had four novels banned from Amazon in 6 Markets.  They contain no kiddy porn, no non-consensual sex, nor do they contain instructions for building a bomb.  No, these books are “considered indecent” and “not in line with Amazon’s policies.”

We wrote Amazon a month before putting Daddy’s Boy, Peter’s historic Incestuous Male Pregnancy Series together as a single paperback (and Kindle) to ask for clear guidelines.  The basic answer was “you will know when you have crossed a line, because your books will be blocked.”

So we published the perfectly legal smut with Amazon, and they blocked us.  Furthermore, they said that any attempts to have the block removed would result in the entire author’s catalog being blocked for sale permanently.

Because consumers willingly allowed Amazon to slowly take over our lives in an Orwellian nightmare of Big Brother proportions, they are now the de facto church.  They set the moral tone for 80% of all books published in the United States. They determine what is obscene and what is not. Don’t be fooled, they are bastards. We wrote to them to ask what unpublished “guideline” the books had violated, and they replied “The book is outside of our guidelines. It is not up to community standards.  Any further inquiry will result in a complete removal of Peter Schutes’s content.”

Maybe the world doesn’t need another pseudo-historical MPREG incest romance, but we’d like to think it deserves the option to say, “I’m not buying that.”

On a lighter note, Smashwords (and all their downstream booksellers like Apple and Barnes & Noble) have published the books with the caveat that they are “Taboo Porn.”  This is fair.  Incest is taboo. Men getting pregnant by their own fathers is taboo.  But it’s also extremely exciting.  In honor of the four-book ban, PS Publishing will be putting together a compilation of the first four stories in the Daddy’s Boy Male Pregnancy series, set in the 1950’s through and 1960’s. This is the compilation we tried to publish first with Amazon.

Daddy1962Omnibus (2)

In the Daddy’s Boy series, the “Omniverse” of current modern MPREG is replaced by what we now call the “Appalachiaverse.” Pregnant hillbilly men are hot as f*ck.  Did we just censor ourselves? In addition, the first 10 copies are free.  The books tend to fly off the electronic shelves, so act now.

The Omnibus Edition is live right now.  Go to Peter’s Author’s Page on Smashwords or Directly to the book to get your copy now.

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