Peter Schutes publishing made mistakes. They tried to publish the first four Daddy’s Boy books as a collection in paperback on the largest book retailer in the universe. Here are the mistakes we made:

1. We used “incest” as a search term.

2. We added some raunchy illustrations.

3. We didn’t hold back in describing the erotic content in our blurbs.

4. Our cover showed a little bit of hand-drawn pubic hairs and a thick base of an otherwise covered penis.

5. Probably something else but they refused to say why it was permanently banned as a title.

Here are the steps we took to publish it anyway:

1. We changed the series name from “Daddy’s Boy Male Pregnancy” to “Appalachian Bred”

2. We hired a 5-dollar book cover designer to make the book look like a cliché rather than a work of art.

3. We sanitized the search terms and blurbs so they couldn’t be literally classified as raunchy porn.

4. We are publishing them one at a time as short Kindle stories rather than as a paperback collection.

5. We DIDN’T CHANGE A SINGLE WORD of the actual text.


So far, the first book is up and live on Amazon with no looming censorship. You can buy it here:

Appalachian Bred #1

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