@PeterSchutes is producing illustrated micro-smut on Twitter. What is micro-smut? It’s extremely short fiction, limited to 280 characters. The challenge is to turn on the reader in just a few words. Below are a few of the best:
Alec put Ralph on the sofa and held one leg aloft. This allowed him to fuck ferociously from the side. Ralph had never seen such a big dick, and now it was thrusting harder and harder in his ass. The pain subsided. Alec was an expert fucker.
After two terrible minutes, my ass started to remember Cody’s fat cock. I groaned and pushed back hard, trying to squeeze every single inch of him up in my guts. His hips squished my butt. He still had two or three inches to go.
Zeke wanted to go on Spring Break with his hot gymnast roommate Chuck, but there wasn’t any swimsuit that could contain him. He would be the object of ridicule on the beach. He pictured his massive cock straining to escape his banana hammock.