Shorty McCool has a huge secret. Follow him through the mines and the showers of Cumberland, Kentucky, where he discovers forbidden pleasures after he inadvertently reveals his massive manhood to the miners. Enjoy the lust for the lure of the mine as Shorty discovers unbridled man on man sex. Feel his heart ache as he yearns for more, only to find it very close to home.
Taking place in 1960s Kentucky, Dark as a Dungeon is one of Peter’s raciest novellas. Themes of drugs, phallic worship and sado-masochism were common in several of his works, but Dark As A Dungeon was one of his strongest examples of phallic extremes and drug-fueled sex. Shorty McCooly’s extraordinary tastes and dangerous desires, as well as his ultimate desire for a loving mate give this happily-ever-after hardcore erotica a romantic touch.