
Hugh Jayness lands a job as a “Hotshot” trucker. The boss is hard on him, but nothing could prepare him for his massive coworker, Deckard Cox. Hugh has remarkable skills that Deckard has never seen before. From their first night together, Hugh is able to show the lonely hotshot pleasures he never imagined possible. What begins as a lustful dalliance evolves into an enduring relationship.

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Set in the fast-paced world of hotshot trucking, this novel quickly reveals its steamy underbelly. Hugh Jayness answers an ad in Trucker’s World Magazine and lands himself a job as a “Hotshot” trucker. He supplies his own pickup truck and makes fast, same-day deliveries all across the rust belt. But before Hugh can begin the job, he has to be trained.

His trainer, Deckard Cox, is a massive, lonely hulk. His anatomy is so enormous, he has been lonely his whole life. The fates bring him together with Hugh, who has the skills and flexibility to accommodate Deckard. Once Hugh shows Deckard unimaginable pleasures, the two become one. From Truck Stop showers to seedy motel rooms, the two men find a life of joy together on the road. But will that joy be threatened by Hugh’s wandering heart?